Easy A is when a clean cut, unnoticed High school student
relys on the school rumors to advance her social and finanical standings. Olive
the main character is played by Emma Stone. She starts off doing a favour
for her gay friend Brandon, she pretends to sleep with him at a party. He
tells a few of his friends and they go to Olive to ask her if she would do
the same for them. She agrees not because she wants to look slutty but to
help them out. They pay her and give her things like coupons and vouchers,
this gets around the school and it makes Olive sound like a even bigger
slut than they think she already is. She is given the stereotype of the
Slut of the school, she wears bright red lip stick, wears short dresses, high
heels and sew's a bright red A on
to her clothes. She struts around the place wearing these things acting
like she has done the things the rumours are saying making people believe the
rumours. Olive only had one really good friend at the start of
the movie before the rumours, her name was Rhiannion but she left Olive
when Olive started to become more popular than she was. Olive
embraces her stereotype and she becomes what everyone thinks she is. Then in
the end she reliases she doesnt want people looking down on her and believeing
the rumors so she makes a video and tricks people into watching it and
she tells her side of the story to her high school.
is also a counter type because she doesn't do anything wrong or slutty. She is
doing the boys a favour by pretending to do stuff with them. She is a smart
student that just wanted to blend in with the crowd. Unlike Regina in Mean girls who was the
slut of the school, Olive doesn't have any friends. She doesn't
have a couple of friends that follow her everywhere and tell her how amazing
she is.
the representation affects teenage girls. It affects teenage girls because it’s
saying if someone starts a rumour about you that’s not true you should embrace
it and carry on acting like the rumour is true even when it’s not. Because this
is what the character Olive did and everything turned out fine she didn’t get
expelled for dressing inappropriately, she even became more popular with the
guys at her school and the girls envied her. Even though she didn’t have many
friends she got the boys attention and the girls envied her so in one way or
another she was popular, but not in the stereotypical way like mean girls. It gives
girls unrealistic views on how to make friends in high school and how to get
everyone to like you. It’s saying that if you pretend to be someone else you
will become popular I think this is very wrong because all through my life in
reality I have been told that if you act like yourself you will succeed.
the representation affects society’s perception of and/or attitude to teenage girls.
Society’s perception on teenage girls after watching this movie would be not be
a good one. Even though this movie is not as strongly stereotyped as mean girls
it still has a few typical stereotypes of teenage girls. For example the
heavily Christian girl that form a group hold hands, protest, sing songs and
torment Olive because she is clearly not following the Christian way of living.
From this stereotype society think that teenage girls go around saying their
Christian and believe in all good but then go around tormenting people and
looking down on others if they are not following their way. To me and others
this is not very Christian of them to be doing this. Society might also think
that girls would go to those extreme lengths about a rumour and go around behaving
like olive did about the rumour.
implications for any differences between the representation and reality. Representation
is that olive goes around wearing little clothes and acting like a complete
slut because that’s the only way to be noticed at school and to become popular
and have people talking and thinking about her. But in reality this is not the
only way you can get attention at schools there is much better ways to do this
like achieve something in either sporting or academic. In reality if you
behaved like Olive does in Easy A girls would not envy you at all they would
hate you and ostracise you. They would make up even bigger rumours and bitch
about you behind your back. The guys would talk about you but they too would
like you are one big slut and not all guys would be drooling over you like in
the movie or be interested in someone like that. In this representation of how
to make friends and be popular it’s saying that if you’re pretend to be someone
you’re not you will be popular and succeed. In reality this is the other way
around. In reality no one would go to those extreme lengths Olive did just to
prove the rumour was true and that she was enjoying being the slut of the
school by embroding a red A on her clothing.
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